2021-03 周报:回家
January 18, 2021

这周周中仍然保持了早起,但晚上睡觉的时间还是有点难控制,因此不得不通过回笼补觉来避免睡眠过少的情况(有个专门的说法,sleep deprived)。如果要在早上五点起床,为了维持每天 7 个小时的睡眠,则晚上 10 点必须躺下——这一点还是颇有难度,我还需要继续研究一些设计来帮助达成。

一个比较好的想法是,把睡前的时间留给运动。我是那种运动完会有倦意的人,所以睡前的运动会提高我睡眠的质量。如果能做到 8:30 去运动(这是一个确定的时间点,相比于去睡觉,也是一个很好做出的决定),那么就能很自然地在 9:30 结束运动,然后立马洗澡睡觉。


因为公司下周全员在家办公,所以我和室友都决定提前跑路—— 28 号之后返乡需要提供核酸检测证明,接下来继续在上海待下去恐怕又要重现去年此时的禁足生活。








我站在那里沉默,凝视。终于掏出了手机,一部 iphone 8,打开了录像,匆匆拍了一小段就离开了。





  • 這是一部也許能拯救你和他人的性命的影片 森纳映画出品。> 本期与「先进战术救援」合作,讲述如今在面对伤害时,如何高效简洁的使用「九线汇报法」与医护人员取得联系,以及当面临心脏骤停时,如何使用 CPR 和 AED 挽救性命的技能。
  • 一位北大毕业生在加拿大的种菜之路! > 我叫董健毅,网名董菜菜,2000 入学北大,地质系研究生毕业。2014年来到卡尔加里,偶然的机会选择了蔬菜大棚种植行业。在加拿大冬季恶劣的天气情况下,我是怎样实现这个梦想的呢?请跟随我的镜头走进农场-悠鲜美地,感受从零开始的艰辛,看农场生活的点点滴滴。
  • 押2个硬币,赌你没吃过这么爽的三明治! 绵羊料理出品。教你做三明治。
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  • The end of globalization (and the beginning of something new) | Mike O'Sullivan TED 出品。> "Globalization is on its deathbed," says economist Mike O'Sullivan. The question now is: What's next? Tracing the historical successes and failures of globalization, O'Sullivan forecasts a new world order where countries come together over shared values rather than geography. Learn how big regional powers like the United States and China will be driven by distinct ways of governing trade, technology and people -- while smaller nations will forge new alliances to solve problems.
  • 【回形针 PaperClip】Vol.152 脂肪去除指南
  • Why I'm Running - Andrew Yang Andrew Yang 竞选纽约市长的宣传片。
  • The dirty secret of capitalism -- and a new way forward | Nick Hanauer TED 出品。> Rising inequality and growing political instability are the direct result of decades of bad economic theory, says entrepreneur Nick Hanauer. In a visionary talk, he dismantles the mantra that "greed is good" -- an idea he describes as not only morally corrosive, but also scientifically wrong -- and lays out a new theory of economics powered by reciprocity and cooperation. 非常刷新认知的一个演讲,批判了 neoliberalism,并给出了一种新经济的形态的介绍——一种已经在世界范围内的经济学者间形成的新的经济学理论,尚未具名,也还没有专门教材。五条关于这种新经济的 rule of thumb:
    • First is that successful economies are not jungles, they're gardens, which is to say that markets, like gardens, must be tended.
    • Inclusion creates economic growth. The economy is people. Including more people in more ways is what causes economic growth in market economies.
    • The purpose of corporation is not merely to enrich shareholders, but to improve the welfare of all stakeholders.
    • Greed is not good. Being rapacious doesn't make you a capitalist, it makes you a sociopath.
    • Unlike the laws of physics, the laws of economics are a choice. The western has adopted neoliberalism as unchangeable natural law, but in facts it is just social norms and constructed narrative, if we want to have the new economy, we can choose to have it.
  • What really matters at the end of life | BJ Miller TED 出品。> At the end of our lives, what do we most wish for? For many, it’s simply comfort, respect, love. BJ Miller is a palliative care physician who thinks deeply about how to create a dignified, graceful end of life for his patients. Take the time to savor this moving talk, which asks big questions about how we think on death and honor life.
  • Why you should define your fears instead of your goals | Tim Ferriss TED 出品。> The hard choices -- what we most fear doing, asking, saying -- are very often exactly what we need to do. How can we overcome self-paralysis and take action? Tim Ferriss encourages us to fully envision and write down our fears in detail, in a simple but powerful exercise he calls "fear-setting." Learn more about how this practice can help you thrive in high-stress environments and separate what you can control from what you cannot.
  • 【小高姐的 Magic Ingredients】浆水鱼鱼 > 浆水鱼鱼是陕西人熟知的小食。夏天里,街头巷尾,常常可以看到卖浆水鱼鱼的小贩。浆水鱼鱼主要是在浆水的做法。跟其它泡菜或者酸菜一样,它是乳酸菌发酵产生乳酸带来的酸味。这一集里窝浆水的方法跟上一集腌酸豇豆的方法,原理基本相同,但是用了泡菜引子。有了泡菜引子,它里面有大量的乳酸菌,你腌泡菜,酸菜,浆水是很难很难失败的。
  • 【小高姐的 Magic Ingredients】地狱炸鸡翅 Ghost Pepper Wings > 地狱炸鸡翅 (spicy fired chicken wings / ghost pepper wings )是我自己特别喜欢的一个食谱。能吃辣的人都知道,隔三差五就想吃点特别辣的东西过过瘾。地狱鸡翅这个食谱可以让你从口味上和精神上得到完全的满足。朋友小聚,或者做给能吃辣的他/她,哪怕是独自在家,一份辣辣的,脆脆的鸡翅。生活瞬间变得美好,好像阴雨的天空霎时间出现了彩虹 \(^o^)/~
  • 【小高姐的 Magic Ingredients】酸奶 Thick Yogurt > 酸奶大家都会做,可是能做出浓稠,嫩滑的酸奶就有许多窍门了。
  • Four ways to make perfect chicken breast, tender and juicy, good news for weight loss! Martin's Cuisine 出品。
  • The philosophy of Stoicism - Massimo Pigliucci TED-Ed 出品。介绍了 Stoicism,我对此深有共鸣
    • practical wisdom: the ability to navigate complex situations in a logical, informed, and calm manner;
    • temperance: the exercise of self-restraint and moderation in all aspects of life;
    • justice: treating others with fairness even when they have done wrong;
    • courage: not just in extraordinary circumstances, but facing daily challenges with clarity and integrity.
  • How to practice effectively...for just about anything - Annie Bosler and Don Greene TED-Ed 出品。> Mastering any physical skill takes practice. Practice is the repetition of an action with the goal of improvement, and it helps us perform with more ease, speed, and confidence. But what does practice actually do to make us better at things? Annie Bosler and Don Greene explain how practice affects the inner workings of our brains.
  • 15 MIN FULL BODY HIIT WORKOUT - burn lots of calories / No Equipment I Pamela Reif HIIT 训练,的确很出汗,但是我感觉我选错了,这个是练翘臀的(逃)。




如何成为一名优秀的计算机学生。已经完成,见博客 https://ichn.xyz/blog/how-to-learn-cs


  • 他们的 2020。我关注的一些网上朋友很多都写了年终总结,比我的好太多,希望从他们的总结里学到如何更好地年终总结——以及更重要的是窥视大家不同的 2020。(可能要咕咕咕了,2020 过去这么久了)
  • 我的输入习惯。下周末受邀参与从零道一的播客录制,我会和大家分享关于【输入】的话题,为此我会整理一篇文章谈谈这件事情。


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