Learn UI in 100 Days - Day 1 - Figma in 40 minutes (half)
February 23, 2021
Starting today, I am going to learn UI design and frontend development for some hobby projects, and I am going to do it 1 hour every day, with a very simple post on what I got.
To get start, I am going to learn figma first, and here is an awesome video from YouTube, Figma in 40 Minutes, I learned the first half of it (up to 20mins) today! And Here is what I got after it.
Some loose notes
frame tool, choose different frames (let's go for desktop)
ctrl + scroll up/down for zoom in/out, otherwise it is up and down
R for rectange
O for eclipse
holding shift to make it rigid
also when rotate, it will rotate at good angles (like 90)
Text (T)
you know about it
montserrat looks good
Comment (C)
use Photos to pick beautiful photos from unsplash, this is just like magic!
Shape as mask
card system or user
Group (Ctrl + G)
make selected objects a group, move together
Frame - layout grid
Tomorrow I'll be doing the second half of this video, which I've peeked, it is about layout, and I am super excited to go on.